Defense Tech: The Pentagon has entered the political fray by setting up what amounts to an RNC talking points website to refute criticisms of the Iraq war effort. Your tax dollars at work...for Bush, Cheney, and Rummy
Vagabond Scholar: Batocchio on attack ads...the RNC dirty tricks continue around the country, whether they're legal or not. In NM, a judge injoined GOP to stop calls to non-Republican Voters
Confined Space: Here's the reality in the U.S. today: Negligent homcide gets 'a walk.' Workers can be killed due to employer negligence and the employer will get away with a slap on the wrist.
uggabugga: Neocons ar "combatting anti-Americanism in the United States"...go read
The Aristocrats: Ted Haggard's Travel Tips...and some Diet Tips, too-
The Left Coaster: Election 2006: GOTV